PENTACRYL, is a stabilizer that will keep green wood from cracking and
splitting as it dries and is popular with carvers, wood turners, furniture
makers, builders and others working with green wood. PENTACRYL is formulated
to penetrate green, wet wood with a moisture content above 25-30%, as the
moisture in the wood helps the penetration. If you are working with wood that
has a moisture content below 25%, use our WOOD JUICE stabilizer. PENTACRYL
works by completely saturating the wood cells and displacing the water. Once
the wood dries, the PENTACRYL leaves a thin coating on the wood cell walls.
This process keeps the cells from shrinking, which reduces cracking, checking
and irregular drying. Shrinkage is reduced up to 600% depending on the
orientation of the wood grain. Quarter grain shrinks less than flat grain.
PENTACRYL is non-hazardous, does not contain silicone, will not discolor the
wood, is non-hygroscopic (meaning it will not retain water), will not oxidize,
decompose or migrate in the wood when exposed to different degrees of
temperature and relative humidity. Remove this It also contains a natural UV
protectant. Tests have been carried out for over 25 years with excellent
results. Many types of wood have been treated including Eastern White Pine,
Basswood, Tupelo, Walnut, Apple Wood, Hawthorne, Cherry, Rock Maple, Soft
Maple, Ash, Madrone, Bamboo, Exotic Wood and others. PENTACRYL can be brushed
on or the wood can be immersed (soaked) into a 100% solution of PENTACRYL.
Although soaking is the preferred method, excellent results are still obtained
by using the brushing method. The key is to completely saturate the wood and
dry it slowly.